
noviembre 25, 2010 0 comentarios

The idea is this, if you want to participate need only have a blog and make a unique entrance with a Christmas item, it may be from a paper, a sphere, a quick page, a ribbon or anything else that relates to this time, until a tagger scrap or completely full, and also special form if you want you can write an article on how to celebrate Christmas in your city or country, and perhaps as a more delicious recipe you can share this family secret so we can try try new flavors this year end, so I'm leaving out a registration form, where you will put your name, your name and blog link, the gift that will prepare and choose the date you post your contribution, with these elements put together the calendar with the appropriate links for our visitors daily open a window corresponding to collect your gift, please send your proposal to the following registration form:

 Este año quiero hacer algo diferente para celebrar las fiestas de Navidad, por lo que te invito a colaborar conmigo para hacer de esta navidad la mejor de todas tanto en casa como con nuestro agradable pasatiempo de Scrap, pincha aquí o bien sobre la imagen que te llevará a un tema en específico en este blog dedicado exclusivamente y donde están las bases para  colaborar en este evento.

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